Academic Success Courses

Students who wish to build on their academic skills in various areas, including time management, study strategies, reading efficiency, and other areas, may consider registering for a 1-credit hour graded elective academic success course. These courses are generally 1/2-semester courses with offerings available year-round in online, hybrid, and face-to-face formats.

Spring 2025

US 1531 Academic Resilience (2 Credit Hours)
This full-semester course is designed for students who have struggled academically and are on their first semester of academic probation. In this course, students will be provided the opportunity to explore academic success topics such as time management, effective study strategies, academic mindsets, and more. Instructor permission is required to sign up for this course. 
14430U S1531101ACADEMIC RESILIENCETR12:30 pm-01:20 pmLippard
14428U S1531102ACADEMIC RESILIENCEMW11:00 am-11:50 amWaterman
14432U S1531103ACADEMIC RESILIENCEMW09:00 am-09:50 amSuggs
14434U S1531104ACADEMIC RESILIENCETR09:30 am-10:20 amCope
15802U S1531105ACADEMIC RESILIENCEMW02:00 pm-02:50 pmClary
15805U S1531106ACADEMIC RESILIENCETR02:00 pm-02:50 pmFrisco

US 2000 Time Management in College (1 credit hour)

This class provides opportunities to explore and practice skills college students use to set goals, manage time, keep up with assignments, take notes effectively and study them efficiently, and fight procrastination. This 1-credit hour elective course is graded.

CRNCourse SectionCourse NameDaysTimeInstructorPart of Term
11937U S2000151TIME MANAGEMENT IN COLLEGEOnline Bell 2nd half
12069U S2000152TIME MANAGEMENT IN COLLEGETR02:00 pm-02:50 pmEggers 2nd half

US 2001 Effective Study Skills (1 credit hour)

This course provides students with opportunities to identify effective and efficient ways to master content within their academic courses. With a focus on metacognitive strategies that encourage students to identify their individual academic strengths and opportunities for growth, students learn and develop the skills needed to effectively work with textbooks, master complex material, structure review sessions, and develop effective academic behaviors and mindsets. Students may not earn credit for US 2001 and US 1002. This 1-credit hour elective course is graded.

CRNCourse SectionCourse NameDaysTimeInstructorPart of Term
11521U S2001151EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLSMW10:00 am-10:50 am Lippard 2nd half
13309U S2001152EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLSMW11:00 am-11:50 am Lippard 2nd half
13405U S2001153EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLSOnline Lippard 2nd half
13512U S2001153EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLSOnline Lippard 2nd half

US 2002 Power Reading (1 credit hour)

Students practice techniques to help them focus and concentrate, analyze how to be strategic in the way they approach different reading tasks, and explore methods to improve reading speed and comprehension. The course integrates study skills related to reading as well as a few insights into success with standardized reading tests. This 1-credit hour elective course is graded.

CRNCourse SectionCourse NameModeInstructorPart of Term
12662U S2002151POWER READINGOnline Lippard 2nd half

US 2003 Technology for Enhanced Learning (1 credit hour)

In this course, students will reflect on skills for academic success and develop their skills using technology, including common computer applications such as Word and Excel, and online tools such as Appalnet, AsULearn, and Google Applications. This 1-credit hour elective course is graded.

CRNCourse SectionCourse NameDaysTimeInstructorPart of Term
14427U S2003151TECHNOLOGY FOR ENHANCED LEARNINGOnline Lippard 2nd half

US 2004 Major & Career Exploration (1 credit hour)

This course provides students with the opportunity to become aware of personal interests, skills, values, and personality characteristics and how these influence major and career choice. Reserved for first-year and sophomores. Offered in partnership with the Career Development Center. This 1-credit hour elective course is graded.

CRNCourse SectionCourse NameDaysTimeInstructorPart of Term
14426U S2004151MAJOR AND CAREER EXPLORATIONTR01:00 pm-01:50 pmJordan 2nd half

US 2005 College to Career (1 credit hour)

This course provides opportunities for students to explore and prepare for the transition from college to the job market. Reserved for Juniors and Seniors. Offered in partnership with the Career Development Center. This 1-credit hour elective course is graded.

CRNCourse SectionCourse NameDaysTimeInstructorPart of Term
14429U S2005151COLLEGE TO CAREERTR03:30 pm-04:20 pmAuten 2nd half