Lee Cope
Executive Director
Student Learning Center
(828) 262-8679
228 D.D. Dougherty Hall

Lori Mathis
University Program Associate
(828) 262-6715
210 D.D. Dougherty Hall

Cathy Bell
Academic Services and Student Success - Hickory
Adjunct Instructor
(828) 827-6105
Hickory Campus - Room 1165B

Libby Noel Clary
Tutoring Coordinator
University Tutorial Services
(828) 262-6809
206 D. D. Dougherty Hall

Heather Lippard
Senior Lecturer
Academic Strategy Instruction
(828) 262-3044
142-A D.D. Dougherty Hall

Shaquana Suggs
LEAD/SI Tutoring Coordinator
University Tutorial Services
(828) 262-3060
211 D.D. Dougherty Hall

Amanda Waterman
Academic Success and Resilience
(828) 262-8546
229 D. D. Dougherty Hall